Postdocs Dr. Amir Aslani and Dr. Mohammadreza Ghahremani at the Institute for Magnetics Research (IMR) will present their research on the enhancement of magnetic properties of yttrium-iron nanoparticles at the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials conference in New Orleans on November 2. As shown experimentally, magnetic nanoparticle refrigerants have a higher magnetization and a smaller coercivity compared to their bulk counterparts. The results are particularly interesting in magnetic refrigeration technology, as higher magnetization could lead to a higher magnetocaloric effect, and a smaller coercivity reduces the hysteresis losses. This is promising as it leads to the design of commercially viable, efficient, and environmentally friendly next-generation refrigerators. The result of this research is to be published in the AIP Advances Journal. IMR is directed by Professors Edward Della Torre and Larry Bennett.
Institute for Magnetics Research (IMR) Will Present Their Research on the Enhancement of Magnetic Properties of Yttrium-Iron Nanoparticles at the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference
November 1, 2016