Department Newsletter


tarek el-ghazawi

ECE has had a fantastic year moving from one strength to another, continuing to build its research prominence and enhancing its progressive educational programs in critical areas for advancing humanity and our nation. On the research side, the department has achieved unprecedented levels of research expenditure, and our faculty has given a stellar performance that will have a lasting impact. Professor Gina Adam, among many other successes and university awards, has received the AFOSR Young Investigator Program (YIP), the NSF CAREER, and a DoD DEPSCoR capacity-building grant. Meanwhile, Professor Ahmed Louri was recently awarded three NSF grants totaling $3.8 million to develop next-generation computing architectures. Professor Can Korman was a pivotal leader in establishing the PREP agreement with NIST which has the potential of growing to $29 million in research collaboration.

Our student population has also been rapidly growing again after the pandemic years. Our programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels now embody new exciting concentrations and areas of focus that underscore security, AI/ML, Chip Design, High-Performance Computing, High-Performance Data Analytics, and Robotics, to name a few.

Dr. Cao's profile headshot
Prof. Nan Wu

The department has been growing and asserting its strengths in timely areas such as Next Generation AI Hardware. I take this opportunity to welcome our newest brilliant additions to our faculty body, Profs. Nan Wu and Weidong Cao. They both joined us as assistant professors in Fall 2023 from the University of Santa Barbara and TSMC, respectively. Dr.Wu uses graph learning and deep reinforcement learning to automate the hardware development flow. Dr. Cao works on VLSI design, emerging computer architectures, and security and robustness for machine learning.

Headshot for Dr. Weidong
Prof. Weidong Coa

We also continue to partner with industry and provide interested students with real-world experience and training, such as our recent partnership with Qualcomm, which will allow our students to receive training and certification in 5G.


Dr. Tarek El-Ghazawi
IEEE Fellow, Professor and Chair
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


SEAS’ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Programs Rise in National Rankings

US News graduate programs rankings. Computer engineering went from 81 to 63 from 2017 to 2023. Electrical engineering went from 96 to 63 since 2017

In the 2023 edition of the U.S. News & World Report SEAS programs’ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) increased in rankings among peer institutions. Read more.



Awards & Honors



 Student Awards & Honors

Whether it's placing first in one of the largest collegiate rocket competitions or participating in GW's New Venture Competition, our students are talented, creative individuals. Read about some of the recent accomplishments of our current and former students.   



Research Grants & Publications


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Recent Research Awards

ECE research expenditures are up significantly, with grant awards from both federal agencies and corporate partners. Take a look at the range of active research on which our faculty are working. 

Colloquia & Dissertation Defenses


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Recent Colloquia

The ECE department hosts a year-long Distinguished Lecture Series that draws some of the most well-regarded researchers in the sub-fields of electrical and computer engineering. Browse our invited lecturers and topics.

Other News


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