Research Highlights Archives

Building Frameworks for Future Cybersecurity
December 19, 2017
Professor Tian Lan and his collaborators are working to construct a cybersecurity framework that combines both deliberate reasoning and reflexive thinking to make cyber systems more intelligent.

LENR Research Team
November 14, 2017
The group performs electrochemicval LENR experiments, and simulates them using multi-physis software from COMSOL.

Designing More Efficient and Secure Computers
October 13, 2017
Professor Guru Prasadh Venkataramani and his research group are working to make computer processors run faster, more power-efficient, and more secure during computing.

The ComRAD Project
September 26, 2017
Professor Roger Lang's research team is using a Microwave Radar/Radiometer Remote Sensing System to measure soil moisture.

Evolutionary and Revolutionary Clean Energy Research
June 17, 2017
Research professor David Nagel is leading two research teams that are pursuing different approaches to clean energy production.

MEMS Sensors Devices in Engineering: Innovating Biological/Chemical Sensors to Detect Diseases
April 8, 2017
Professor Mona Zaghloul and her collaborators at NIST and GW SEAS are working to make biological and chemical sensors that are markers for Asthma disease and other diseases portable for at-home use and detection.

Magnetic Refrigeration Technology
Prof. Edward Della Torre, Prof. Lawrence Bennett, Dr. Amir Aslani and Dr. Mohammadreza Ghahremani
April 9, 2016
In the advancement of alternative energy sources, and the critical importance of the global warming, magnetic refrigeration is a promising energy efficient and environmentally friendly technology to replace conventional vapor-compression techniques. Our research aims to design, develop, and implement the first scalable commercially viable compressor-free magnetic refrigerator system.