Department News

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Profs. El-Ghazawi, Sorger and Narayana win an AFOSR grant

Professors Tarek El-Ghazawi, Volker Sorger and Vikram Narayana win a competitive AFOSR grant in the amount of $752,193. El-Ghazawi is the  P.I., Sorger is a  CoPI and Narayana the second...

Prof. Subramaniam Named IEEE Fellow

Suresh Subramaniam has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow (Class of 2015) for his research contributions. The official citation reads: "for contributions to optical network architectures,...

Prof. El-Ghazawi Receives NIST Cooperative Agreement

Prof. Tarek El-Ghazawi has received a NIST cooperative agreement, with initial funding of $125,000 for the first year, for the project “A Scalable Heterogeneous Architecture for Big Data.” ...

Professor Howie Huang Wins NSF CAREER Award

Professor Howie Huang has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award for his research on hardware error resilient virtualization infrastructure....